God loves kids and so do we!
At Calvary, we care a great deal about children and their families. Calvary Kids is a God-centered, interactive, fun and safe environment where children can learn about Jesus and apply the Gospel to their lives and development.
We believe parents are the primary nurturers of their child’s spiritual development and our responsibility is to partner with families on that journey of teaching children what it means to live a gospel-centered life for the glory of God and for their joy!

What to Expect
Here is what to expect on most Sundays during the school year:
For more information about Calvary Littleton’s Children’s Ministry, reach out to children’s ministry director Brooke Metz at brooke@thecalvary.org.
- We meet as a large group to sing songs and introduce the Bible story, then break into our individual classes for more detailed Bible lessons.
- We use the amazing kids bible and curriculum, The Biggest Story, to encourage and support families to have meaningful and ongoing conversations with their kids about Jesus.
- We offer classes from nursery-toddlers through 5th grade, with age-appropriate curriculum and activities each week!
- All of our volunteers receive background checks for safety.
- We offer snacks (gluten free, dairy free, nut free) to our younger kids classes.
For more information about Calvary Littleton’s Children’s Ministry, reach out to children’s ministry director Brooke Metz at brooke@thecalvary.org.